A long time ago, on the island of Crete there was a white bull. This bull had silver horns. It was beautiful, but it was very dangerous. It killed the animals and people on the island, The people were afraid of the bull. The king of Greece decided to send Hercules to Crete to catch the bull. He told Hercules not to kill it. He wanted Hercules to bring it back alive. Hercules thought this was very difficult.
Hercules went off in a ship and sailed across the sea. After many days he saw an island. It was the island of Crete. Hercules jumped out of the ship, and walked onto the shore. There was a forest on the island. The forest had many tall, tall trees in it, and it was very beautiful. “This forest is the home of the bulls”, Hercules thought.
Hercules went into the forest. He hid in some bushes and waited. Soon he heard a loud noise. Then, he saw a white bull. The bull saw Hercules, too, and run fast at him. Hercules was not afraid. He caught the bull, and because he was very strong, he could pull it into the ground by its horns. Then the bull was afraid of Hercules. So, Hercules won, and the bull was not dangerous any more.
Hercules wanted to go back to see the king. But when he went down to the sea, he could not see his ship. So, he climbed on the bull’s back, and the bull swam across the sea to Greece. There, Hercules took the bull to the king, and the king was very happy.