It is a general rule that the better the design and estimate, the greater is the chance of a successful
fabrication being made.
Obtaining the materials and welding consumables specified by the designer or engineer at the most
advantageous price and at the correct time is the role of the procurement department. They should receive
clear and unambiguous requisitions defining exactly what is wanted, and must not deviate from that
requirement unless a concession has been approved by the originator of the requisition. Unless any options
are clearly defined, the supplier is at liberty to provide what he will—and it may not be what the purchaser
requires. Problems were encountered some years ago when submerged arc welds were found to be low in
tensile properties. Subsequent investigations showed that whilst there was a maximum carbon content of
0·12% in the specification of the wire, there was no minimum requirement, and when 0·03% carbon was
supplied the required strength just could not be achieved. Submerged arc welding consumables are now
controlled by national standards such as BS4165, and similar problems should not now occur. To identify
the options possible in the purchase of plate the British Steel Corporation has issued a check list (Table 1)
defining everything required for complete specification of plates.
Many companies operate an ‘approved vendor’ register and all suppliers are assessed [9, 10] prior to
inclusion. Manufacturers of welding consumables and equipment may now also be approved by third party