Two primary biochemical reactions in seed ageing
(lipid peroxidation and non-enzymatic protein glycosylation
with reducing sugars) have been studied
under different seed water contents and storage temperatures,
and the role of the glassy state in retarding
biochemical deterioration examined. The viability
loss of Vigna radiata seeds during storage is associated
with Maillard reactions; however, the contribution
of primary biochemical reactions varies under
different storage conditions. Biochemical deterioration
and viability loss are greatly retarded in seeds
stored below a high critical temperature (approximately
40 °C above glass transition temperature).
This high critical temperature corresponds to the
cross-over temperature (Tc) of glass transition where
molecular dynamics changes from a solid-like system
to a normal liquid system. The data show that seed
ageing slows down signi®cantly, even before seed
tissue enters into the glassy state.