The Bad Effects of Fast Food Essay
Today, there are over thousands and millions of a same type of place that ruins your health severely around the world. These things are called fast food restaurants and almost everybody in the world visits it at least ten times in their lifetime. Fast food restaurants are not good for your body and you do not get a lot of energy obtained from it.
A bad effect of fast food restaurants are the energy consumed from it. Research shows that 29~30 percent of children's energy comes from fast food. Also there is an additional 57 calories more than the balance of the calories that need to be consumed in a day. Fast food gives you a lot of calories and also a small energy. A lot of people around the world are consuming this sort of food and they should always remember that it ruins their state of balance in their body.
According to research fast food is related to obesity because of its high percentage of fat. Obesity is when your body has more fat than it needs. This can give off a bad effect because your body will be heavier to carry around and also it makes you lazy and is not good for your health. This maybe the reason why more than 60 percent of Americans are obese; Americans go to fast food restaurants like it is their house because they go there so often. People might think that obesity just makes you look bad on the outside but, they should also consider the inside.
Fast food restaurants use a lot of bad materials in making their food. The oil used to make the food is used again for days and they also use vegetables that are not fresh. The way fast food restaurants try to hide their use of bad vegetables is by making their commercials using fresh vegetables to make people believe that their products are fresh. People should always recognize that the commercials are very different from the real product; you can sometimes realize this by going to the store and getting something different than what the...