Thank you for be coordinator to get data from each branch..ka… Please pass my thanks message to all users who spent their time..ka…
Let me go to details, first. Regarding to IT site, nothing new I also got less complain about system slow down during month-end but less than a past few months…ka… Not sure whether it because of less transaction or else.. need to know as well.
For SSC’s DSD we customized more than 80% as K.Chaiwuth told me so it is quite difficult to change on any process due to we still not sure what is the real impact if we touch in any field..ka.. As I have chance to discuss with K.Teeraphan (SAP’s thaibev) he said he and his team have developed program to manage retails transaction then lump sum data to SAP later. (internal program) which we may asked our IT teaor m to learn from thaibev whether we can share or not?..ka…
To help system run smoothly and faster we have to set up users discipline to do daily routine as much as they can. I know it is not easy to change since we do not what is the impact to our business..ka…