3. Results
After doing image and statistical analysis of hepatic transcriptomes
from 3 fish fed fish oil and 3 fish fed without fish oil, we found 41
genes differentially expressed between fish fed with and without fish
oil (GeneANOVA, Pb0.01) i.e. b0.5% of the genes spotted on the
trout microarray. The differences between the level of gene expression in dietary groups were at least 2-fold. Among them, 23 genes were upregulated and 18 down regulated in livers of fish fed without fish oil supplementation compared to fish fed HL diet (GeneANOVA, Pb0.01) (Tables 4 and 5). We confirmed the identification of each gene using Blast X (Tables 4 and 5).
We analysed globally the gene expression profiling by researching
the biological signification of the transcriptomics data. In this context, we clustered the different genes (except the 5 “unknown” genes) using KEGG – Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes – nomenclature. As shown in Fig. 1, the majority of the differential genes coded for proteins involved in hepatic intermediary metabolism especially in lipid, protein and energy metabolism.