My work is focusing on how design methodology can be used as a creative vehicle to guide emotional awareness in Black youth. Within the Black community, there are stigmas attached to addressing emotional issues and seeking help (professional or personal). Many factors contribute to these stigmas such as the legacy of slavery, which perpetuates the avoidance of healthy emotional expression. As a result, such notions as being strong and toughing through emotional struggles have become an unhealthy and deadly norm within the Black community. Historically, emotional repression ensured survival, but unfortunately, this tolerance has paralyzed the possibility of emotional wellness within the Black community, particularly among Black youth.
Through my work, I have examined the collaboration between design methodology and Black youth and how this connection can foster emotional awareness. My target age for this group was middle and high school youth in Oakland, CA. I created emotional awareness-based exercises produced in 2D (graphic design) and 3D format. They are hands-on and involve the use of only basic shapes and tools. The exercises are a practice in design methodology whereby participating youth followed a restrictive method and process in creation. My goal was to have the methodology allow them to focus on awareness and hopefully build an understanding that emotional awareness develops over time. I found that design methodology is somewhat reflective of emotional experiences in regards to encountering restrictions (e.g. life circumstances keeping one in an unhealthy environment) and figuring out ways to work within what you have available. The work created is all about letting specific techniques (method) and a series of actions (process) in the experience and creation of design help these youth notice what role they can play in their emotional awareness.