Research Instrument
The instrument that used for collecting is questionnaire. Instrument is made from concept idea and theory from chapter 2. It is concept for defined detail of questionnaire. This data that get from another document and asked to scholar for built questionnaire. This study classify by 2 parts. The concepts are defined as follows:
Part 1: It is the questions about demography that is gender, age, education, occupation, and income. The detail of questionnaire is check list, by choose just only one answer from many answer.
Part 2: The question about satisfaction of users toward bus services of Nakhonchai Air Company in Buriram, by defined the questions in many field. Those are Sensibility, Reliability, Reaction, and Confidence. The questionnaire is rating scale like Liker Scale. Questionnaire is divided for 5 scale; the most, much, moderate, less, and lest. The scales are followed: