• Ectocanthion (Ec) - This point is located on the outer/lat- eral corner of the eye or palpebral opening, where the upper and the lower lid margins meet.
• Endocanthion (En) - It is the point on the inner/medial cor¬ner of the eye or palpebral opening where the upper and lower lid margins meet.
• Trichion (Tr) - It is the point where the anterior line of the hair on the forehead is cut by the mid-sagittal plane.
• Gnathion (Gn) - It is the lowest point on the lower border of the mandible in the mid sagittal plane.
• Alare (Al) - It is the most lateral point on the wings of the nose.
• Cheilion (Ch) - It is the most lateral point at the termini of the mouth where the lateral margins of upper and lower lips meet and is located at the outer corners of the mouth.