Environmentally friendly treatment.
Ecology in a world of dwindling resources is a very important subject, therefore I would like to a more mention here about waterjet technology, which is the most environmentally friendly. Water is a chemical compound that occurs widely on Earth. Other necessary feedstock for cutting water are garnets. These are a group of silicate
minerals. Garnets possess very similar physical properties and crystal forms but different chemical compositions. It occurs quite frequently in the environment. In abrasive water jet technology water taking part in the cutting process can be used repeatedly, and abrasive, which is usually in the form of natural material garnet can be recycled after use. As mentioned above, do not emit here also no hazardous fumes [14] as is the cutting beam or plasma. An additional advantage of ecological and economical here is very small cutting gap without raising additional material
consumption. If conditions allow the waste can be used to further the machining process, because it is not thermally deformed.