In general, color provides a useful measurement for determining
changes due to processing and possible acceptability by consumers.
In the present work, the application of the coatings or
the increase in the centrifugation speed, or both, increased the L⁄
value of the banana chips compared to the control treatment
(Fig. 4). In addition, the edible coatings slightly enhanced the yellowness
of banana chips, which was reflected in higher b⁄ values
(blue to yellow). However, Garcia et al. (2002) reported no significant
changes in the color of potato chips due to the application of
an edible coating, which might be related to the nature of the product
or differences in the frying process. When comparing coating
applications or high speed centrifugation, or both, there were no
significant differences in the color parameters (L⁄, a⁄ and b⁄) of
the banana chips. In the present work, this was also observed in the DE⁄ values of the color of the different frying treatments studied
and the control treatment, where no differences were found