2. LEED rated case studies in the US and in Asia
This study compares thirty three office development projects in the US and seventeen office development projects in Asia that have achieved Gold or Platinum rating under LEED green building rating system. Our analysis is based on the score sheets and information published in the US Green Building Council case studies directory. One of the limitations is the lack of published data on Asian case studies compared to that of US case studies; dataset compatibility was off-set by considering percentage values instead of absolute values.
Particular focus of the analysis is the prevalence of various credit categories in the US vs. Asian case studies in achieving Gold or Platinum rating in their respective projects. In order to receive a broader view we analysed the presence and frequencies of each category within three ranking levels. Analysis was further extended by assessing individual credit performance of prominent credits within each category. Finding are first presented below to demonstrate credit behaviour within first three ranking levels and secondly under each individual credits.