during communication people respond 8% to words, 23% to intonation, and 69% to body language. The studies
show that promptness is specific to non-verbal communication, highlighting the fact that this way the information is
decoded 4.5 times faster than in the case of verbal communication.
Sports mediate, in a specific manner, the individuals' relationship with themselves, with the other members of
their group, and with the coordinators of these kinds of activities, especially during the process of learning the motor
content (Dobrescu, 2006). Starting with the assertions taken from the professional literature, according to which
non-verbal communication is a form of "body language" expression, one can say that gymnastics is one of the
athletic disciplines in which the expressiveness and the relevance of non-verbal language is highlighted in the interhuman
relationships. H. Rûckle (2000) believes this form of communication to be “an expression of energy and
information through posture, movement and indices”, a psycho-somatic connection (body-soul) through which
feelings and emotions can be expressed. The communication through body language is constant; the messages sent
this way are continuous, making a permanent dialogue between the internal and the external easier.