3.4 Chemical and medicine production
After each production cycle the pond was emptied and
sludge was removed. Sometimes the pond was flushed
before starting a new production cycle, and lime and other
products were sometimes applied before the pond was
refilled with water. Most of the farmers used over 5 kg lime
and roughly 1 kg of other products (mainly common salt,
but also potentially harmful zeolite, chloride and coppersulphate)
per ton fish produced. In addition to these pond
preparation products, 0.27 kg vitamin C, 0.33 kg of
products containing vitamins, enzymes and probiotics, and
0.15 kg medicines and antibiotics were used per ton fish
To quantify the production of chlorides, lime, salt and
zeolite, we used LCI data from EcoInvent®2.0. The EcoInvent
®2.0 database did not include the additional chemicals,
probiotics, enzymes, medicines and vitamins applied. To