. Conclusion of agreement
3.1 Presentation of goods on the internet does not constitute a trade offer, but is merely a non-binding invitation for0the customers to order.
3.2 When ordering goods the customer declares a binding offer from his side. Tigerpick confirms the clients order immediately. The confirmation is not a binding order acceptance from our site. The confirmation is a binding order acceptance only if we clearly declare it.
3.3 Tigerpick is entitled to accept the offer of an electronical order within three working days from order reception.
3.3 Tigerpick is entitled to acceptance contract deals with electronic orders within three working days from receipt of the letter. In patricular, receipt may take place by sending the goods to the customer (notification is done via e-mail), as well as by sending the declaration acceptance.
4. Delivery / Shipping Costs / Minimum Orders
4.1 Delivery dates are introduced on pages with offers. If the delivery timewas not indicated earlier, then the delivery will be made within 14 working days at the latest. In case of goods manufactured according to customer specification they will be delivered within 21 working daysat the latest.
4.2 The beginning of the specified delivery period is dependent an agreed advance payment of the customer’s obligation to pay. Decisive is the moment of receiving the payment by Tigerpick, for example, when the payment is credited to our bank account. The same principle spaces in the absence of a document confirming the status of entrepreneur - the delivery starts when we receive the confirming document.
4.3 Theprice includes statutory VAT tax. If you order online, shipping costs are calculated automatically and included ina message before submitting a binding order in the basket.
4.4 The minimum order value for new customers is 25€.
5. Unavalability of ordered goods and services
If after receipt of an order, the ordered goods or services are no longer available in the Tigerpick shop, the customer will be immediately informed. In this case, Tigerpick can make an offer of goods of equal value, quality and price. However, the customer is not obliged to accept this offer, and his claims arising from the lack of availability remain legally intact. The customer will be informed in a separate messageabout the lack of product availability.
6. Retention of title
Tigerpick reserves the right of ownership to all goods, which he sent to the client until the final moment of full settlement and payment for goods delivered. IfTigerpickexchanges a product under warranty, it is agreed that ownership of the goods subject to exchange passes from the client to Tigerpick at the moment which Tigerpick receivesthe package of goods from the customer, or alternatively, the customer receives an exchange delivery from Tigerpick.
7. Price, terms of payment
7.1 The prices displayed in the online shop are final prices and include the Vat tax on goods and services applicable to the date of the online order.
7.2 In your online shopping cart a Vat summary and prices for supplementary services, such as shipping, packing, etc., is shown. They will be automatically added to the final price of your order in the cart. Exact shipping costs will be displayed before every order of the client.
7.3 The invoice includes the final price with all of additional components, without the return costs, unless the carrier covers the costs.
7.4 In general, shipping is done in advance of shipping.The customer can, while making an onlineorder, choose one of the proposed methods of payment. The invoices shall be attached to the sended goods or, in special cases,sent seperately by post or e-mail. If payment has not been madein advance, invoices must be settled within 10 days of the invoice date.
8. Warranty
8.1 Tigerpick warrants that the products do not have any legal or material defects until the time in which the risk is transferred.
8.2 If the delivered goods show obvious material or legal defects, also damages which where caused during transportation, then the client is asked to make a claim of these defects withTigerpick. Failing to make this claim, does not affect the customer's statutory rights. In the remaining cases, statutory civil law is applied.
8.3 In case of a defect,Tigerpick will choose to solve the situation, either by resolving the defect or by delivering a new, defect-free part.Repair is deemed to be unsuccessful after a second, unsuccessful attempt if nothing else arises from the nature of the product, or the fault, or other circumstances. If the supplementary performance is unsuccessful, or if Tigerpick declines to carry out the supplementary performance,, the customer can demand a reduction in the purchase price or to withdraw from the contract. A withdrawalis excluded if the defect is minor and insignificant.
8.4 The condition of a warranty claim is that the defect did not arise by incorrect or excessive use. If the fault only arises 6 months after handover, the customer must prove that the product was faulty at the time of transfer of risk. Tigerpick can, at the same time present evidence that the goods had no defects at the time of delivery.
8.5.1 Rights to guarantee expire one year after delivery of the goods.
8.5.2 The point 8.5.1 one year guarantee period does not apply when there is harm of life, deterioration of health or damage of the body, which result from negligence on our part, or deliberate or negligent dereliction of our legal representatives or persons entrusted.
9. Civil liability
9.1 With minor negligence of our duties, the responsibility of us andour entrusted persons is limited to foreseeable typical contractual defects. With minor negligence of duties, which are duties that are not essential, ie. obligations of which correct fulfillment is the condition of fulfilling the contract and the observance of which the contractual partners regularly rely upon, in this case neither we nor our entrusted persons are liable.
9.2 The restrictions in in the point 9.1 do not apply to customer claims arising from product liability or warranty. Moreover, the restrictions on liability do not apply to losses attributable to us arising from death, and injuries of body and health, which mey be assigned to us as well as claims for damages.
9.3 The above rules (paragraphs. 8 and 9) determine fully the scope ofresponsibility of Tigerpick , its management board and its employees.
10. Law / Jurisdiction
10.1 The law applicable in the relations between Tigerpick and its customers, as well as individual terms of trade are governed by Polish law, except of the uniform regulations of the CISG selling of goods convention.
10.2 An exclusive jurisdiction in all court disputess arising directly or indirectly from trade relations is the Court proper for the Tigerpick headquarters, insofar as the customer has no general jurisdiction in Poland, or his usuall place of residence is outsidePoland. as well as when his place of residence his unknown while filling a clami.
10.3 If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or public law special funds, then the legal venue and exclusive jurisdiction for any disputes under this contract shall take place in Tigerpick headquarters.
11. Final provisions
11.1 Should individual provisions of these terms and conditions of business be in whole or in part not effective in law or later lose their effectiveness in law, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of the contract.
11.2 The customer is not entitled to compensation unless the claim is indisputable and confirmed by the power of the law.
11.3 The customer may only exercise any rights of retention, if the counterclaim arises from the same contractual relationship.
Statement on Personal Data Protection The personal data of the customers are used by us onlu for the purpose of carrying out orders. All data collected are customers and developed in accordance with the relevant provisions of Polish laws on the protection of personal data.
You have the right to get free information, correction, blocking and removal of your personal data stored by us. We do not pass personal data to third parties without your your explicit consent, which may be withdrawn at any time. Excluded form this are our partners who perform services for us, who need the data in order to carry out orders (eg. the carrier employed for shipping or thefinancial institution, contracted to handle the payment). However, In these cases, the range of the transferredpersonal data is limited to the minimum necessary.
In this online store we only store information relating to your customer data in cookies which can be called up at your next visit at your request. Storing data in cookies allows you not to fill in forms again. You can manage or block access to cookies from this page in your browser.
Tigerpick processes personal data only within a fixed range and does not pass them on further.
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Further information about the electronic conclusion of agreement
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Online contracts
Selection / display
If you found a product you wanted in our online shop, please select it by clicking on it with the mouse button and then on the "Add to Cart'' button.By clicking one time on the"Shopping Cart ", you can check the products which you have selected. In here you are able to freely change the quantity of a given product and relativelyexpand it, each time receiving on idirect sum. At any time it is possible to remove selected products from the bar by checking "Delete." Once all your searched products will be in the basket, you can activate the order by clicking "Checkout".
In the next step, it's possible to activate an existing customer account or create a new one. If you are registered as a customer i