Theory, management science courses is to take a scientific approach to the application . Operators to analyze and solve problems in a decision management system Woradej Monday Arrow was introduced and explained by using the example of a tool or technique to handle some aspects of science, including 6 categories .
First . Utility and matrix of the decision (utility and decision matrices).
Two . Linear programming (linear programming).
Three . Determining how to calculate the dynamic (dynamic programming).
Four . Analysis , Markov (Markov analysis).
Five . Theory games (game theory).
6th . Simulation (simulation).
Science of management has developed and known . " Management Science (Management science)" has developed a body of knowledge with the aim of controlling the system performance and efficiency.
Knowledge management theory . Is how to manage the use of quantitative techniques . To help the management to know the maximum amount of resources that are required to produce goods and services . Science, management theory developed by Frederick W. Taylor using quantitative methods to measure the amount of work to achieve enhanced performance. The field of management science are important and relevant .
First . Quantitative management . (Quantitative management) is a mathematical technique . To assist management in decision making.
Two . Workshop management . Or Operational Research (Operations management) is that executives are techniques which can be used in the analysis of production systems to increase the efficiency of the organization.
3. The total quality management (Total Quality Management: TQM) is a quality management agencies in all organizations . By which parties . Managers can lead to various techniques used to analyze the production system in order to optimize such a model inventory (inventory model) and the model network (network. model) to improve the problem of distribution . El Michels analysis , the input to the transformation process to produce a quality product .
Four . Information systems management (management information systems) is a method that allows managers to design information systems. To provide information about events that occur both inside and outside the organization. The decision shall be effective . Management information systems to help managers and employees at different levels. Receive the information needed to apply , benefits, and participation in the decision-making process in the management science theory to exploit it. Current information technology (information. technology) took the decision to improve the quality and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization as well . And is considered an important part in increasing the competitive advantage for the organization .
For the history of Frederick W.Taylor 0.1856 honorific title that was born in the city of Philadelphia, PA , USA began a career as an engineer until the late technician training . The contribution is important. Academic papers under the title "A piece rate system" that was presented to the American Society of Machanical Engineer and book the Principles of Scientific Management , which the management science of the Taylor expansion outside the confines of the United States and has been . widely in Europe including the UK , Germany and France.