Dear Mr.Shimoe
Subject :
Mr.Onuma came to my desk and sitdown my chair, He check my emails, trash folder, files on the computer check files in all. He found the email you sent to me, Re: problems with managers. He print out page e-mail you sent for me on 6 Oct'2014. And called I to talking in the meeting room, trying to keep I answer the question for you. I say don't have answer for his, don't have e-mail document , I just answer that don't have any documents, He order I forward your e-mail for me on 6 Oct'2014 for his. The manager had come to demolish my computer and continue check this computer Mr.Surapol, he will do something , feel insecure, actually made this maidaina we are not accused, we didn't do anything corrupt corporations. Do you ordered.