In order to prevent neonatal herpes infection in women with recurrent genital herpes infection it has been recommended that the baby is delivered by caesarean section if there is evidence of active herpes lesions at the time of delivery4,5. However, although the consequences of neonatal herpes infection are very severe, the risk of acquiring neonatal herpes infection following vaginal delivery in a woman with active recurrent lesions at delivery is small. The opinion of obstetricians in the field suggests that the risk is < 5% and estimates of the risk in a study of 34 women has suggested a theoretical maximum of 8%6. Therefore, at least 12 women will undergo caesarean section to prevent each case of neonatal herpes. If the risk of transmission is < 8% the number of women undergoing caesarean section to prevent one case of neonatal herpes will be even higher.