Figure 4.2. The field of entrepreneurship in its broad sense (Bruyat 1993: 63)
The importance of change
According to Bruyat (1993: 62): ‘the subject/object dialogic evolves in a creative dynamic of change’. This concurs with Ansoff’s contribution (1965) in line with Schumpeter’s work, which describes any strategic behaviour entailing significant change, risks and uncertainty as entrepreneurial.
Change concerns both dimensions of the individual/new value creation dialogic. The assessment of change in a given situation must therefore take into account the creation of value from both the individual (or team) perspective and the environment perspective. This implies that, in order to define the entrepreneur, or to assess the entrepreneurial
nature of a situation, it is indispensable to consider both notions in a dialogic. Figure 4.2 is a representation of the dialogic. The directions of the arrows correspond respectively to the intensity of change for the individual and the intensity of the value created in a given environment.