Note: * and ** significant at 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively; NS—non-significant. MTL = Main tiller length (cm), NTP = Number of tillers
per plant, NLP = Number of leaves per plant, LA = Leaf area of uppermost fully expended leaf (cm2
), LSL = Length of sheath of leaf (cm),
FW = Fresh weight (g), DW = Dry weight (g)
Note: * and ** significant at 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively; NS—non-significant. MTL = Main tiller length (cm), NTP = Number of tillersper plant, NLP = Number of leaves per plant, LA = Leaf area of uppermost fully expended leaf (cm2), LSL = Length of sheath of leaf (cm),FW = Fresh weight (g), DW = Dry weight (g)
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