Due to exemplary co-operation during the last 5 decades and as a result of numerous measures taken by the ICPR member states, the ecological state and the water quality of the Rhine have distinctly improved.
Most of the intermediate aims for ecological revalorisation of the river Rhine until 2005 stated in the Programme for the Sustainable Development of the Rhine – “Rhine 2020” have been achieved.
The reduction of pollutions from point sources in industry and municipalities has led to less pollution with heavy metals and other pollutants in the Rhine. The oxygen content of the Rhine has again increased.
Floods and low water levels are natural water level fluctuations in rivers caused by varying meteorological conditions and are part of the nature of a river.
If man and his uses of water come too close to the water bodies, floods may cause damage. Flood prevention as well as problems related to low water tables are further important issues for the ICPR.
Updated pages
International and national water protection along the Rhine “30 years after Sandoz” Where are we today and what remains to be done?
(17. 10. 2016)
238. Report of the President of the ICPR 2016
(15. 09. 2016)
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