Because at HGAs Teparuk no detail from Mattew and Choo Theng about HGAs part per Mattew's mail ka
Attention : Phishing Awareness Exercise
You just participated in email phishing training hosted by Seagate IT Security.
Do not advise other employees about this exercise; let them learn!
Learn how not to get hooked next time
Do you recognize the sender? Was this email coming from a Seagate email address?
Does the email content make sense? Did you really expect to receive a FY2013 summary from Accounting ?
Remember .... Be Alert !!
98% of all suspicious email received by Seagate is removed as malicious or spam, but some gets through our network defenses.
If you receive a phishing email
Do not click on any links or open any attachments
Report it using the Seagate Google Spam Button in Chrome and Firefox.