The direct consumption coefficient (technical coefficient) is calculated by Eq. (2), where, aijmeanswhen sector j produces unit production, it needs aij production of sector i. When aij is closer to 1, it indicates that the productions of sector j aremore dependent on sector i. While aij is closer to zero, it means less direct connections between sector j and sector i. The direct consumption coefficient matrix and the complete consumption coefficient matrix are showed in Appendices 2 and 3. The direct consumption coefficients of seawater desalination industry with other sectorswere shown in Table 5,we can see that the seawater desalination sector was most directly dependent on electricity, heat and water production and supply sector, which include two sub-sectors (water production and supply sector and electricity, heat production and supply sector) and more dependent on electricity, heat production and supply sector, followed by machinery and equipment manufacturing, chemical sector and financial sector (See Table 5). Due to complex relationships among various sectors, one sectormay indirectly consume products of another sector, so the complete consumption coefficient indicates how many productions one sector needs from another sector when it produces unit final production.