There is also a negative side to the use of the telephone is that it rings when you are very busy and don’t really want to answer it. It’s a good thing that in today’s time, we have something called as caller ID which enables us to see who the caller is. We can now choose to answer a call if we want to. We need to be aware of the power of the phone – It creates opportunities and conveys information in a fast and effective way but if it’s not managed properly it can be harmful to your work as well as the business. That’s why no real training has been given in this field and here we are today to understand how to use the telephone. In the past trainings have been provided on this subject but only addressing how to speak to customers, what should the opening line and closing line be.
There are also barriers to the communication process over the phone. When you meet someone face to face, you are able to make a judgment of the person by the way they look, body language, attention, etc. On the phone however that is not possible and this is the biggest problem that we face. Misunderstandings and confusions happen because of this type of this fact.