It was as if all the other dragons were following that azure-colored dragon, their roars filling all the Heavens.
The azure Immortal dragon was formed by none other than the very first of Meng Hao’s Immortal meridians, which was actually the last one to be opened!
As Meng Hao stood there silently, the Immortal light coming from the Door of Immortality faded even more, and was soon incapable of covering his entire body. The Immortal qi lessened, and the even Door of Immortality itself began to fade.
“Is it over?”
“So, his limit was 108 meridians, huh…?”
“Those extra eight meridians were his limit. Although he can’t open any more, his name is still going to rock the entire Ninth Mountain and Sea!”
As the discussions raged in the Ninth Mountain and Sea, Fang Wei stood there on Planet East Victory, and he gave an inward sigh of relief.
He wasn’t the only one. The other true Immortal Chosen all sighed deep in their hearts.
The intimidation they felt from Meng Hao only continued to grow more intense. Now that they saw the Door of Immortality dissipating, their sighs led to a stirring of their fighting spirit. All of them knew that they weren’t his match, and yet they still wanted to fight him!
The Door of Immortality grew more indistinct, and the Immortal light grew darker. The immortal qi… was virtually gone.
The starry sky was no longer bright, and as Meng Hao stood there, he looked at the 108 flying Immortal dragons, and his eyes glimmered with regret.
“It’s over…. 108 meridians.” Meng Hao sighed and turned to head back to Planet East Victory, when suddenly, a tremor ran through his body. He stopped in place and turned his head to look out into the starry sky.
He was looking… in the direction of Planet South Heaven!
In that moment… a voice suddenly echoed out in his heart. It was extremely weak, and vastly ancient. It was like the voice of an old man who was about to die, a departed spirit who had forced itself to remain in the world of the living, never allowing that last gasp to escape. Even if the flame of his life was snuffed out, he would leave behind an ember that clung on by a thread. It was as if that final remaining spark had been waiting for this moment!
“Meng Hao… I only have one breath left, and it has been waiting for this day…. Allow me to use my fading life force to gift you with one last bit of good fortune!”
When Meng Hao heard that voice echoing in his mind, he recognized it instantly. It was… the voice of Patriarch Blood Demon from Planet South Heaven!
Patriarch Blood Demon’s origins had not been made clear. However, Meng Hao knew that his terrifying fleshly body was buried under the surface of the lands of South Heaven. And in truth, in his heart, Meng Hao had already come to know the answer to the question of who he really was.
Patriarch Blood Demon… was one of the three Greater Demon generals of Lord Li, a figure referred to as a consummate expert!
“You are from the League of Demon Sealers,” continued Patriarch Blood Demon in his ancient voice. “Furthermore, you are the Ninth Generation. I can speculate… about some of what will happen to you in the future, and therefore, I will tell you now what I can of the benevolent possibilities in your future. You don’t understand right now… however, if you are able to combine the Nine Hexes in the future…. you will know how to repay me. Right now, I will do something that I hope will make you consider the question of… what Immortal meridians really are.”
When Patriarch Blood Demon finished speaking, a stream of blood-colored Demonic qi exploded out from Mount Blood Demon on Planet South Heaven. At the same time, Patriarch Blood Demon’s fleshly body, which rested under the surface of the land, dissolved, and became part of the stream of Demonic qi.
As the Demonic qi surged up into the Heavens, it transformed into a blood-colored magical symbol.
The magical symbol flickered nine times, then vanished.
In the moment that it vanished, Patriarch Blood Demon met his complete and utter end!
As he died, the magical symbol vanished, and simultaneously, Meng Hao felt the Blood Demon Grand Magic inside of him begin to rotate on its own. Rumbling sounds could be heard as a bloody light surrounded him, spreading out and… forming a 109th Immortal meridian!