The first important limitation is the isotropic behavior
and the uniform density across the sample, as real bone is an
anisotropic material. Another key assumption being made is
that the model consists solely of bone. In reality, bone consists
of various mesynchymal tissue, interstitial fluids, minerals,
fibrous tissue and other bone cells. However, these new
parameter inputs would provide interesting results that may
move us closer to bone conditions in vivo. Finally, in order to
verify our results, experimentation on numerous samples that
present statically significant values would be required. This
presents an opportunity for future research where experimental
results can be compared to the computational model presented
in this study.
The first important limitation is the isotropic behaviorand the uniform density across the sample, as real bone is ananisotropic material. Another key assumption being made isthat the model consists solely of bone. In reality, bone consistsof various mesynchymal tissue, interstitial fluids, minerals,fibrous tissue and other bone cells. However, these newparameter inputs would provide interesting results that maymove us closer to bone conditions in vivo. Finally, in order toverify our results, experimentation on numerous samples thatpresent statically significant values would be required. Thispresents an opportunity for future research where experimentalresults can be compared to the computational model presentedin this study.
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