The results of this study showed that self-care ability
and self-care agency decreased for respondents 75+
years of age. Self-care ability was predicted by three
productive means for self-care, i.e. self-care agency,
being active and feeling satis®ed, and four risk factors
Ð receiving help, age, perceived helplessness and close
contacts with other people. Self-care agency was pre-
dicted by self-care ability and being active. In order to
enhance self-care ability among elderly people, valid
assessment of in¯uencing factors is recommended, as
well as support of self-care activities and physical ac-
tivities. Furthermore, developing self-awareness
through value clari®cation, assessment of coping skills
and awareness of feelings, thoughts and action patterns
is suggested. The value of such actions must be evalu-
ated in further studies.