The PFT algorithm, Phytoplankton Detection with Optics
(PHYDOTax) was created to differentiate among the major taxa within
Monterey Bay to use as a tool for adaptive sampling decisions related
to HAB monitoring. PHYDOTax is
an ocean color algorithm that discriminates phytoplankton taxa
contained in a natural sample. It is both a spectral library of representative phytoplankton taxa as well as a linear un-mixing scheme to separate library end-members from the remote sensing reflectance (Rrs)
spectrum of a natural sample. Among the six phytoplankton taxa differentiated by PHYDOTax (dinoflagellates, diatoms, haptophytes,
chlorophytes, cryptophytes, and cyanobacteria), diatoms and dinoflagellates are the groups of most concern in the Monterey Bay as they
cause most of the toxic blooms or red tides. PHYDOTax is sensitive to accuracies in spectral shape. Dinoflagellates and diatoms contain some of
the same pigments, so their light absorption characteristics are similar,
but due to their structure (e.g., cell wall material and shape) their optical backscattering characteristics are different. The Rrs incorporates both of these attributes,
and PHYDOTax is able to discriminate between these two groups because of variability in the Rrs spectral shape. Any sensor flaws or image
pre-processing steps that introduce spurious inflections in the spectrum
relative to accurate retrievals from shipboard measurements must be
closely evaluated. Atmospheric correction is one such pre-processing
The PFT algorithm, Phytoplankton Detection with Optics(PHYDOTax) was created to differentiate among the major taxa withinMonterey Bay to use as a tool for adaptive sampling decisions relatedto HAB monitoring. PHYDOTax isan ocean color algorithm that discriminates phytoplankton taxacontained in a natural sample. It is both a spectral library of representative phytoplankton taxa as well as a linear un-mixing scheme to separate library end-members from the remote sensing reflectance (Rrs)spectrum of a natural sample. Among the six phytoplankton taxa differentiated by PHYDOTax (dinoflagellates, diatoms, haptophytes,chlorophytes, cryptophytes, and cyanobacteria), diatoms and dinoflagellates are the groups of most concern in the Monterey Bay as theycause most of the toxic blooms or red tides. PHYDOTax is sensitive to accuracies in spectral shape. Dinoflagellates and diatoms contain some ofthe same pigments, so their light absorption characteristics are similar,but due to their structure (e.g., cell wall material and shape) their optical backscattering characteristics are different. The Rrs incorporates both of these attributes,and PHYDOTax is able to discriminate between these two groups because of variability in the Rrs spectral shape. Any sensor flaws or imagepre-processing steps that introduce spurious inflections in the spectrumrelative to accurate retrievals from shipboard measurements must beclosely evaluated. Atmospheric correction is one such pre-processing
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