Ryuuichi: “Coming! (opens the door) You’re late… Never mind, just come on in! (you two walk upstairs) *hums* It’s been a while since the last time you stayed over…! Well, not really. You’ve stayed last Friday too, right? Huh? Nah. I’m not happier than usual, really. On the contrary… (opens the door) I’m in a bad mood. (closes it) (sits with you on the bed) Tell me… Who was the guy you were with at school? Don’t play dumb. I saw you walking with someone I don’t know, during the break of the second hour. It was a guy from the class next door, what did he want from you? …Heeh? You were in the same class during junior high? So what? Is that a good reason for you to be together with him? Is he really… just a friend? Can it be that he just pretends to be your friend, to get to know you better…? …It’s alright, you don’t need to apologize. No matter what reason, the fact that you were with some guy who isn’t me doesn’t change. Remember what I said…? That I wouldn’t do know what I might do if you ever looked at another man again…? (pushes you on the bed) You’re making a really cute face, you know? And with such a pretty face, you’ve been smiling to other men. How do you do that? Try. No, that’s not it. It’s not clumsy like that. If you smile more gently, you’ll make other men misunderstand you. You always look smiling, so why do you look so scared now…? Although… You look cute even when you’re scared. If you glared at them like that, every man would want to make you theirs. What should I do…? How can I make sure you’re only mine? I want to make you mine only… Mine, only… And then… I want to lock you up, so no one else can ever touch you again. (rustling and sound of some… fabric? Strings? Wut?) Please… I beg you, please… Don’t run away. Please. The more I love you, the more anxious I grow… Try to understand it… How I feel! Cheer up… Please… I would do anything if that meant I would make you mine alone forever. Don’t you feel the same? If that’s so, will you listen to me? Don’t worry, I won’t try to hurt you in any way. To tell the truth, I’ll only make things that make you happy. Uuh, it really suits you! You look so cute now. Anyone would fall in love with you, if they saw you like this! Do you remember it? That dress… It’s the one you wanted. But you said you’d prefer it in another colour, so is this one alright? And your underwear and socks, your manicure match it as well. It’s perfect. Ok, now can you sit on this chair? Turn your hands upside down. (you refuse) Why are you refusing? You said you’d do anything, right? C’mon, hurry up. (you comply) Hah, don’t struggle. I’ll be tying you up to the chair, so… If you struggle, you’ll end up on the ground. (ties you up) Here, finished. Why, do you ask? It’s because I want to serve you. You needn’t doing anything, just stay there, all tied up… You don’t want to be hurt, alright? Soo… Tell me, what can I do to pleasure you, my princess? (pours some tea) I bought some cake before… Do you want some? You liked the orange tarts they had in this bakery, right? (sounds of the cup being placed on a tray) Here, open your mouth… Ahhm. Open your mouth. Yes, yes… Just like that. Aaahm. *giggles* Don’t spill it everywhere! Oh, you have some cream on your cheek. (licks away the cream) Would you like… some tea? You want some, right? (lifts up the cup) (drinks the tea and gives it to you mouth to mouth) Hmm… Was it good? Glad to hear that. Why are you crying, now? Is it because you are just too happy? You’re sad… Why? Ah, I see… This is not enough to make you happy, apparently. (walks away) You’d rather have it rougher, right? *kissing* *laughs* You’re so lewd… *more kissing* …Are you fine with just this? Isn’t there anything else you want me to do? For example… Wouldn’t you like to be touched like this down here…? *giggles* You’re so sensitive… (sounds of the chair creaking) Your body is shivering… Are you feeling that good? *kissing* But since you’re so lustful, you won’t be satisfied with this alone, right? (walks away) I know… You want me to do something more… *gucha gucha* See? After all… You’re already so wet, down here… You were waiting for me. *gucha gucha* Look… Do you hear this sound as well…? It’s almost eating my fingers… You’re incredibly lewd! Let me hear your voice some more… Moan some more… Only I am allowed to hear you moan like this… Say my name… …Huh? Where? You like it here? You want it? Plead some more… Say clearly what you want me to do… See? You’re already trembling, down here. It’s alright, you don’t have to hold back… *kissing*You’re so hot… It’s amazing… *more kissing and panting and gucha gucha* (chair creaking) …How was that? Did you feel good? I was glad to hear I was able to make you moan. *kissing* …Why are you crying again, now? It’s nonsense. I… I just made you happy! (pulls you down) Say… You like it, being treated like this, right? I know that… I know all about you… You’re mine… I’m the only one who truly understands anything about you! I’m the only one… Who can have you all by himself…! It’s no use if I can’t make you happy… Look at me only. Smile at me only… You have to listen to my voice alone! Yes… You’re mine only. You’re mine… Mine, mine, mine, mine… Ok, what do you want me to do next? I’ll fulfill your any of your wishes! The night is still young, so… You can ask me… Anything.