Box 1. Advantages of lignocellulose-based liquid biofuels
Biofuel sources are geographically more evenly distributed than
the fossil fuels; thus, the sources of energy will, to a larger extent,
be domestic and provide security of supply.
Lignocellulosic raw materials minimize the potential conflict
between land use for food (and feed) production and energy
feedstock production. The raw material is less expensive than
conventional agricultural feedstock and can be produced with
lower input of fertilizers, pesticides, and energy.
Biofuels from lignocellulose generate low net greenhouse gas
emissions, reducing environmental impacts, particularly climate
Biofuels might also provide employment in rural areas
Box 1. Advantages of lignocellulose-based liquid biofuels Biofuel sources are geographically more evenly distributed thanthe fossil fuels; thus, the sources of energy will, to a larger extent,be domestic and provide security of supply. Lignocellulosic raw materials minimize the potential conflictbetween land use for food (and feed) production and energyfeedstock production. The raw material is less expensive thanconventional agricultural feedstock and can be produced withlower input of fertilizers, pesticides, and energy. Biofuels from lignocellulose generate low net greenhouse gasemissions, reducing environmental impacts, particularly climatechange. Biofuels might also provide employment in rural areas
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