IN RECENT years, electric vehicles (EVs) have received much attention as an alternative to traditional internal combustion
engine (ICE) vehicles. The unprecedented focus is mainly attributable to environmental and economic concerns linked to the consumption of fossil-based oil which is used as fuel in ICE-powered vehicles. With the progress of battery and motor technology [1], the EVs become the most promising alternative to the ICE vehicles. Plug-in EVs use a battery system which can be recharged from standard power outlets. Since the performance characteristics of EVs have become comparable to, if not better than, those of traditional ICE vehicles, EVs present a realistic alternative. Regenerative braking can be used in EVs as a process for recycling the brake energy, which is impossible in the conventional internal combustion vehicles. Regenerative braking is the process of feeding energy from the drive motor back into the battery during the braking process, when the vehicle’s inertia forces the motor into generator mode.