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I Love You Poems for Ex-Girlfriend: Poems for Her
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Poem for ex-girlfriend desperately waiting for you to come back
I Love You Poems for Ex-Girlfriend: Looking for ways to tell your ex that you are still not over her? Nothing can come close to the heart-melting charm of a romantic poem, handwritten on a note or a card. You must lay your heart bare if you want her back in your life. Think about your breakup, think about the pain of heartbreak and think about how loneliness is rotting you from inside. Write down all these sad feelings on a piece of paper and put it all together in a short rhyme. Tell her how sorry you are and let her know that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get a second chance. Maybe she is still thinking about you, maybe she is missing you – but you will never find out unless you tell her how you feel.
1) Like a wasteland, my existence
Has become barren and dry
The only sign of life is when
I purge my emotions, as I cry
Your voice echoes in my head
As if you were not far, but near
For long, I know I cannot sustain
Being lonely, without you here
Agonizingly, day after day
I am sinking in a pit, bottomless
Desperately clinging on to hope
That you’ll pull me out of this mess
2) Jealousy eats me up from within
When I see you with other guys
I can’t believe I let you go
I can’t believe I said goodbye
I am sorry for being selfish
I am sorry for giving you pain
But I promise to redeem myself
If you take be back again
I love you
3) Our relationship, with its curves and bends
The love, along with its ups and downs
Life with you, along with its twists and turns
Why did these beautiful things, have to end
Our kisses, so dreamy and romantic
Our hugs, so warm and comforting
Our cuddles, so cute and adorable
I had everything, but now, I have nothing
I apologize, for all my mistakes and lies
I am sorry, for the hurt and pain
I am regretting, for letting you go away
I love you like crazy, give me a chance again
4) You are not my friend
Nor are you my enemy
You are my life’s
Most precious memory
Even though you are my ex
I don’t want you to be my past
Let’s forget the bitterness
Baby, I want our love to last
I love you
Sad breakup poem for her ex-girlfriend relationship
5) The only thing I was afraid of
Was from my life, losing you
The day you walked away
All my fears came true
I don’t know what to do
In loneliness, I’m suffocating
As I ponder over what lies ahead
Even the silence is deafening
I love you
6) I have tried moving on
I tried hard to forget you
But instead of depleting
My love for you grew
My heart has spoken
For you, it is aching
Please come back
You, are my everything
I love you
7) I hate the way we fought
I hate the way we argued
I hate the way we broke up
I hate the battles that ensued
I hate that HATE
Got the better of us two
But no matter how much it pains
I can never, ever hate you
I love you
8) Time may have passed
But I haven’t moved on
Never in my life, I believe
Will there be a new dawn
Darkness, has enveloped
My life, my soul, my heart
Stuck forever, in this gloom
Until we stop being apart
I love you
Love poem for ex-girlfriend I still love her
9) Why did it comes to this
Why did it all crumble apart
We had everything going for us
We were perfect, from the start
I can’t believe we let
Little things get in our way
I wish, time could be turned
Back to those beautiful days
I love you
10) I take the entire blame
For the dirt that we threw at each other
I take full responsibility
For the way we moved away from one another
All these months of loneliness
Have taught me a cruel lesson
The solitude and despair
Makes me regret what I’ve done
Give me a chance to redeem myself
Give me a chance to show you my love
Give me a chance to make you smile
From our bitter past, let’s rise above
I love you
11) I deleted my Facebook
Our pictures made me miss you more
I deactivated my Twitter
Your old tweets made my heart sore
I got a new email address
In an attempt to start over
But nothing seems to be working
My life is void of love and pleasure
The only way out of this vacuum
Is to confess that I still love you
I want you to know that
My feelings for you are true
12) I don’t like the fact that I call you my EX
I wish I could turn back the clock
I regret all the fights and arguments
All the hatred, I wish I could just block
I want to make a lot of amends
I want to start by saying that I am sorry
I still love you and I want you in my life
My future without you, looks blank and scary
Thinking about you poem for her ex-girlfriend boyfriend regret
13) In my life, an icy jungle
All I can see is a haze
Losing you has put me
In a trance-like daze
Days are just whizzing by
Nights are painfully long
Just about everything
Appears dreadfully wrong
Time seems to be stuck
In thoughts about you
Loathing in regret
Is all that I do
I love you
14) I was confused
I had lost my way
For which I apologize
To you today
I had said I hate you
But that was fake
Letting you go
Was a big mistake
I love you
15) I cannot undo what I have already said
I cannot press a button to forget for happened
I cannot wave a wand to rewind back to the past
I cannot give any excuses for what I have done
But I want you to know that everything will change
I want to be the person that you deserve
Trust me, hold my hand and walk with me
For us, I see the most beautiful future
I love you
16) Food, without taste
Paint, without color
Deserts, without sand
Oceans, without water
Mind, without thoughts
Existence, without time
Life, without emotions
Poetry, without rhyme
Such hollowness is how
I feel every single day
Since the moment
You walked away
I love you
Loneliness poem to tell your ex that you still love her
17) My heart keeps beating
Even though it is bleeding
My tears don’t run out
Even though I can’t stop crying
My mind is stuck
At the moment just before
You walked away and left me
On life’s lonely shores
I love you
18) Even though I pretend to be cool
Even though I pretend that I’m not bothered
I confess that I still miss you
My heart is still in a mess, completely shattered
No matter how many months pass by
I just can’t seem to move on
Please come back, I beg you
Let’s give our relationship a new dawn
I love you
19) Our breakup has been
A painful eye-opener
From its shock
I am yet to recover
From my very core
I am frighteningly shaken
From its very middle
My heart is broken
I’m sorry, please forgive me
I want you to come back
That is the only way to bring
My life can come back on track
20) I am tired of pretending that it’s cool
Because it’s not
I want to be yours again
Because I still love you a lot
I don’t want to spend any more time
Crying over how we broke apart
Now, I want to do everything
That mends the gap between our hearts
I still love you poem for ex-girlfriend
21) I have no one to kiss
Your hugs, I dearly miss
I can’t feel your touch
I miss you very much
Take me back
Change your stance
Please give my heart
Just one more chance
I love you
22) I thought I had it all figured out
I was blinded, I was completely wrong
I thought I would be better off alone
But I am getting weaker, not strong
Unknowingly, we began drifting apart
I let petty fights get the better of me
I thought I was ready to be on my own
But life without you is like drowning at sea
I thought I was perfect in almost every way
Life’s mess, took over my mind
I thought I had it all figured out, but I should
Have thought again, before leaving you behind
I love you
23) It would be too little
If I said that I miss my ex-girlfriend
I have become a pale zombie
You can ask any of my friends
Girl, I still love you
I broke up, I was wrong
I want to set things right
This heartbreak, I don’t want to prolong
24) The state of my heart can be summed up
By two words, Never and Forever
My heart refuses to accept our breakup
It will stop loving you, NEVER
My heart is craving for your love
FOREVER, it will beat for no one but you
I hope your heart feels the same way
I hope your heart beats for me too
I love you
I still love you quote for ex-girlfriend
25) Maybe you are smiling
Maybe you are not as sad as me
Maybe you are stronger
Maybe you are feeling happy
Maybe you have moved on
Maybe you have got a new guy
Maybe you have a better life
But I haven’t been able to say bye
I love you
26) My ex-girlfriend, you are not
My hopes are dreams, you are
My enemy, you are not
My love, you are
Your ex-boyfriend, I am not
A guy regretting his mistake, I am
Moving on with life, I am not
Still in love with you, I definitely am
27) How did it comes to this
How did it get so painful
How did we let go
How did it become so awful
I don’t know the answers
To these heartbreaking questions
I STILL LOVE YOU is my only
Answer to this situation
28) I know I have said that I hate you
From the bottom of my heart
Because I had forgotten the value
Of how beautiful love was, in the start
I don’t know if I still have the right
To ask you to be my girlfriend
But I want you to know that my heart
Will beat for you till the very end
I love you
I love you poem for ex-girlfriend
29) I am trying to forget the pain
But I am failing miserably
Not because I hate you
But because I miss you terribly
I don’t want to move on
I want to get back together
Let’s give our love a new dawn
Let’s once again, be lovers
30) How could I have even blamed
Our love, for some of my silly habits
I realize everything I did wrong