3.11. Effect of different surfactants
Xylanase production was enhanced by the addition of various
enhancers such as tween-80, Triton X-100 and sodium
dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Results in Fig. 11 indicated that tween-
80 enhanced the enzyme production (66.2 1.66 U/g) as
compared to control (45.5 1.33 U/g). Triton X-100
(59.6 1.38 U/g) and SDS (48.2 1.13 U/g) also enhanced the
xylanase production up to some extent. Highest total protein
(0.96 0.14 mg/ml) secretion was found in case of tween-80
supplementation to the medium. Kuhad, Manchanda, and
Singh (1998) optimized cultural conditions for xylanase production
by a hyperxylanolytic mutant strain (NTG-19) of F.
oxysporum in shake flask cultures. They reported that enzyme
production was also enhanced by supplementation of tween-
80 and olive oil to the medium.