The librarian and IT teacher coordinated with the other teachers.
For example, the librarian said, “I would find out from the Chinese
Studies teachers what topics they needed me to cover, and I would
organize a class that involved students . . . so that they could master
the relevant skills . . . this also complemented the GS teachers'
teaching. Basically, the classes that I conducted were based on the
needs of GS, IT, and Chinese Studies teachers.” The librarian directly
worked with the GS teachers. She said, “I helped GS teachers in terms
of borrowing some books for their students. Apart from that, I also
helped them to search for some relevant websites, did some
newspaper-cutting on the topics that they were doing for their
reference, and I also searched some relevant information for the
students and created some reference folders for them.” The IT teacher,
on the other hand, commented that to facilitate collaboration, he gave
special attention to “the division of labor” among the different