can we just talk about seokjin’s growth for a minute?
if you watch him in NMD, he’s trying so hard to be aggressively “hip hop” and “swag” to fit with the concept, but that’s not who he is, and it’s not something he’s familiar with or comfortable with. and i think it probably made him feel more alienated from the group because everyone else kind of settled with the in-your-face hip hop concept well, except for him. he was the delicate, awkward princess. but watching him grow from the awkwardness of that, becoming a stronger singer and getting more lines, and becoming such a good dancer, and finding it within himself to fake it till he makes it until that fake confidence turned into real, solid belief in himself, and really settling into his role within the group dynamic, is amazing. looking at the “run” teaser, he has such an intense control of his expressions and the feeling that he wants to convey. it’s a far cry from lip biting and aggressive gesturing– this haunting look at the camera that conveys so much– but it’s something seokjin does so well, and i think this comeback will be his time to shine and showcase his style of performance, through his ability to act how much he’s grown, and show just how vital he is to the group. seokjin is an intense person, but his power is more subtle than the concepts they’ve done before the trilogy. this is gonna be his time to shine so lets show him a lot of love!