He clicked his tongue. "You were foolish to expect anything permanent, Mr. Williams." l sipped the whiskey. "I expected a divorce after a year or two and a painful sette- ment. But not death." "Your wife is a beautiful woman, but greedy, Mr. williams. I'm surprised that you never noticed. My eyes went to the gun. "I assume you have killed before? And obviously you enjoy it." He nodded. "A morbid pleasure, I admit. But do." utes watched him and waited. Finally I said, "You have been here more than two min- and am still alive." "There is no hurry, Mr. Williams," he said softly. "Ah, then the actual killing is not your greatest joy. You must savor the preceding moments." "You have insight, Mr. Williams." wAnd as long as I keep you entertained, in one manner or another, I remain alive?" "Within a time limit, of course.