This advertisement shows “Don’t talk while he drives” comes from the Bangalore traffic police in India. The campaign is that the driver is not the only person responsible for car accidents; it involves the other person on the other end of the phone.
Advertisement accentuates the dark and color of blood that is spewing out of the phone but also it is splattering all over the woman’s face causing it to be the center of attention. The color scheme enhances the part of the image that stands out the most, which is the blood that is coming from the phone.
The blood is demonstrating death due to accidents. It is also near the woman’s face because her expression, that shows “shock, terror and sorrow, is also a main image due to the reaction of her losing someone close to her.
When looking at slogan "Don't talk when he drive" the text is the same color as the blood to show the horrors and pass away. Although the text is smaller than the other parts of the advertisement, but the projecting blood and the emotion can say it all.