Belief and faith have influenced the development of human life. a questionnaire A questionnaire about the type of scale is an arbitrary is 5 Parts
5 Point Mean 100 %
4 Point Mean 75%
3 Point Mean 50%
2 Point Mean 25%
1 Point Mean 0%
3. 3 The comments and recommendations to the relationship between faith and devotion to human development
Data collection
Data collection for this research focuses on the analysis of survey and understand the relationship of faith and faith with a man. Sources used in this study came from two main parts
1 Primary data
From a sample survey The 35 sets of questionnaires to the studies of the Faculty of Humanities. English Education Major During the month of November 2015
2 Secondary data
The research from And collect data from various documents The results of such research to be done before then. The concept And theoretical perspectives and information from the Internet
Data analysis
1 Data were analyzed using the data obtained from the questionnaires relationship of faith and devotion to the development of mankind. With the collaboration of students Then Analysis And interpreted by the average
2 The questionnaire had a relationship of trust and faith in the development of human self.
• The researcher
• Understanding the relationship of faith and devotion to the development of more human.
• A study on the relationship of faith and devotion to the development of mankind
• To understand the relationship of faith and devotion to the development of human as well.
• Being knowledgeable in the relationship of faith and devotion to the development of mankind.
• Understanding of the faith and beliefs can live better.
• To develop self-belief and faith.