Yui, I have attached to versions with updates you asked for. In version 2a I have removed the automatic currency symbol in the rate table to allow for a font size of 14. In version 2 I have left the currency symbol but have the font size set to 12. Please advise with version you would prefer.
As for the Live Currency Table in the cell where the blue arrow is point there is a drop-down list of currencies you can select to set your base currency. There is no need to manually change the currencies where the #N/A is show below in the screen shot you took. This table is set to pull updated currencies every time the file is open. When you open the file give it about a minute or two to run the queries that pull updated currencies from the X-rates website. Once the query stops running the #N/A values should update which the countries currency value to the base currency selected.
If for some reason you still have #N/A values in your table, please send me the file to see if any of the links have changed. What happens sometime when a file is created on one computer and set to another is that a link may still be pointing to a different location. However, this should be the case as the worksheets that store the currencies are hidden within the workbook. Please make sure when you open the file that you have enabled updates if asked to.