Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future ?
1 Renewable energy means it comes from a source that doesn’t run out. For example, the wind keeps blowing, the sun keeps shining and the Earth keeps heating underground rocks. This energy will be around for as long as the earth is. in the future we will...
A use wind, water and solar energy
B run out of energy
2 Genetic engineering is changing the genes of something to make it different. Scientists use genetic engineering, mostly on plants. By changing or modifying the right genes, they can get the plants to grow bigger and faster and resist disease. If there were more genetically modified (GM) foods,…
A it would stop famine in poor countries
B it would harm our health
3 Global warming is a way to say that the Earth is getting hotter. This is because almost all machines use oil, gas or coal, all of which pollute the atmosphere. As a result, temperatures are rising and the polar ice caps been in this state. If we don’t do something about it now,…
A we will have to move to other planets.
B we will die.
4 Cloning means to produce a copy of another living thing. Frogs, mice, sheep and cows are among the animals that scientists have successfully cloned. In the future, scientists will use cloning to …
A save endangerad species from extinction.
B help people clone themselves.
5 Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to thing like humans and solve problems. If we didn’t have this, we wouldn’t have any computer games, internet search engines or robots. If we keep creating intelligent machines,…
A they will make our lives easier by doing all the hard work for us.
B they will take over the world and enslave us.