The environmental impacts from well to wheel of the systems
were estimated based on the fuel efficiency of biodiesel blend
and data inventory of each case. At medium to full car load, the fuel
specific consumption of B20 (20% biodiesel and 80% fossil-diesel in
volume) is less by 1–3.3% compared to that of fossil diesel fuel
economy [53]. The average fuel economy of diesel cars in India
reported by Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM)
is 18.4 km/l or 0.0543 l/km fuel specific consumption. Assuming
an average of 2% lower fuel economy fuel economy of B20 would
be 18.05 km/l or 0.0554 l/km fuel specific consumption. Using Eq.
(1) and assuming 0.832 kg/l and 0.88 kg/l as the density of diesel
and biodiesel respectively, the fuel economy of biodiesel is
0.053 kg/km