The queen had chosen a girl named Hoshi to become a Daughter of the Sun, which elevated her above all others in the Sun Queen's court. She studied languages, etiquette, history and warfare. However, Hoshi felt that something was wrong; being doted on by the Queen felt false, as though participating in a performance. She then became the Sun Queen's favorite, seen as a doll by the Queen, and Hoshi found that when the Queen gazed upon her features, she looked as though she was looking at a reflection.
She was chosen to be the Sun Queen's successor. However, Hoshi had discovered what the ceremony would do to her. She found that the ritual would make her disappear, while replacing her body with the Sun Queen's soul. So, believing she would act for the sake of Yamatai and all the priestesses that would follow her, she took her own life with a dagger stolen from the Stormguard General.
With the ritual corrupted by Hoshi's death, the Sun Queen lives a half life in a decaying body. She rages in storms which will never abate while her soul is tied to this earth.