Case 4: Phase A to ground external fault at loaded transformer.
This case is similar to case 2, where the occurrence of the fault current outside the protected
zone leaded to the increase of fault currents in both sides of the power transformer.
Therefore the relay considered this case as a sever increase in load currents. Fig. 23 shows
the increase in phase A currant and no trip signal is released
As illustrated in Fig. 24, after the occurrence of the external fault at 0.5 sec, the value of the
2nd harmonic decreased to a value less than 0.3 of the fundamental component.
Accordingly, the harmonic calculation part released logic (1) but the amplitude comparator
released logic (0) because the differential current is almost zero as it can be seen from Fig. 25.
Consequently, for this logic coordination (1,0) no trip signal is released.