treatment. This study did not intend to compare the therapeutic
efficacy of TCA and YNSA with sham acupuncture
or drug prophylaxis. Patients were followed for 1 month
after cessation of treatment. Thus, the long-term benefits of
acupuncture of either method are uncertain.
Another limitation of the present study was that the patients
were not blinded to the interventions because of the
different needling sites in two groups. However, the assessors
and the analyzer were blinded to the assignments. For
ethical reasons, patients were allowed to continue their
medications. This may raise the question about the similarity
in the patients’ baseline condition. Of note, the
primary evaluation confirmed that the frequency and
severity of headache, as well as other outcome measures,
were similar between the two groups.
Disclosure Statement
No competing financial interests exist.
treatment. This study did not intend to compare the therapeuticefficacy of TCA and YNSA with sham acupunctureor drug prophylaxis. Patients were followed for 1 monthafter cessation of treatment. Thus, the long-term benefits ofacupuncture of either method are uncertain.Another limitation of the present study was that the patientswere not blinded to the interventions because of thedifferent needling sites in two groups. However, the assessorsand the analyzer were blinded to the assignments. Forethical reasons, patients were allowed to continue theirmedications. This may raise the question about the similarityin the patients’ baseline condition. Of note, theprimary evaluation confirmed that the frequency andseverity of headache, as well as other outcome measures,were similar between the two groups.Disclosure StatementNo competing financial interests exist.
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