In the current world economy has stepped into a fully globalized by can be seen from the increase of trade and investment between the countries. From the reduction of international trade barriers, reduced, regardless of whether it is the tariff rate reduction or cancellation of the import quota for the various measures in accordance with the rules of the World Trade Organization, which is an international agency that oversees international trade management, subject to FDA.Ngaseri, equality and nation members countries. All transport technologies have developed rapidly, whether via land, air or water to make three car saves time and costs, both in the field of transport, and to the travelling between countries. Communication can be made quick and easy from all corners of the world. You can get news information. The most important events that have occurred in the country fast. It also can transmit data. Cross-border countries. it takes just seconds. Allows access to the new knowledge can be made more easily than in the past, which resulted from the development of information and communication technologies, especially the Internet, in the current system. Therefore be seen that in this era of virtual worlds management tantayaporn disgrace to shrink itself into a human can travel or communicate traffic and trade between each other from one country to another country.