> Dear all,
> On 7-8 July 2014 that CVC engineer from Taiwan came, they can solve the problem of folding and bubble sticker with the 15 ml size only. They adjust all parameter of the labeling machine again and our colleague was record the parameter for use as standard. For the other size (8, 10 and 30 ml) CVC engineer from Taiwan taught K. Pronthep and K.Kriengsak (CVC Thailand) and also our colleagues (ENG, PD) for self adjustment.
> For the 15 ml size the machine can’t operate at speed as our requirement 120 bpm because the thermal transfer printer (VideoJet) can’t code at speed 120 bpm. The maximum speed that the VideoJet can operate is 100 bpm. The labeling machine can operate with speed 120 bpm but found the defect of misalignment.
> We trial the machine with speed 65 bpm. The defect of misalignment that we expect within +/- 1 mm. While the test they found the defect more than 10% at 15 ml vial size. After investigate we found that it has the defect from the vial that not really align so we select and separate the align and non-align vial and test again.
> The result (as attached) show for the align vial, the defect of misalign label still found at 6.55% and for the non-align vial found 10.91%. We will trail for 3 times of each size for ensure the data. We will adjust the speed to 100 bpm after we select the vial as much enough for trial.
> For the camera system, we found that it’s can’t operate as well. Problem is the camera reject conform product and sometimes accept NC product.
> The next plan we will trial the rest size of vial which the same method and will inform the progress later.
> PD will collect the defect details every day.
> PS. For more details please wait K. Krai that will come to work on next week. K. Krai is off work on Saturday krab.