At this moment, Bai Yunxiao twists the mouth sidewise the big mouth, the pitiful yell again and again, that called called a sadness, that called called miserable, killing the pig sound called was more rending.
However this cannot blame him, because at this moment, his clothing is not , the mortal body completely destroys, the bloody water of big piece covers entirely the whole body, some places, even can see the dense bones of the dead.
He changes beyond all recognition seriously, horrible to look, changed to a covered with blood blood person.
But, this he must rejoice that rejoiced has the Divine Body protection, keeps off majority of strengths that sixth has cut, otherwise he at this moment, is the flying ash annihilation, must die without doubt.
But, thought when all people, this battle victory and defeat the minute, Bai Yunxiao had already been incapable again the war.
The Chu Feng sound actually once again resounds.
Seventh cuts!!!
Chu Feng such remarks, blood red cutting strikes together, twinkling formation, and this moment this cuts to strike, cut to strike compared with it formerly six, wanted tyrannicalally some.
not to mention is Bai Yunxiao, Half Emperor powerhouse on the scene, noticed that after this cuts to strike, is the facial color big changes, engages in introspection, perhaps they , the unusual person can keep off this to strike.
This strikes seriously is the terrifying, terrifying to linking the Half Emperor powerhouse, is awed at the sight.
„Elder, saves me”
Saw with own eyes that the important matter is not wonderful, is incapable Bai Yunxiao that fights again, has great shout, prays for rescue from management elder of penalty department.
But in fact, does not need Bai Yunxiao to shout, management elder of penalty department, already grazed, but, already stood before present the body of Bai Yunxiao.
Looks the blood red that comes cuts to strike, management elder of this solemn penalty department, is the brow tight wrinkle, does not dare to have a general idea.
Finally, he displayed defense Taboo Martial Skill unexpectedly, this kept off Chu Feng seventh cut.
„Oh, was too inconceivable, what Chu Feng displays is what Martial Technique, how to have such might?” At this moment, looks at that to wreak havoc at the horizon energy ripples, the people exclaim in surprise again and again, guessed unceasingly, by Chu Feng the Earthen Taboo Firmament Slash, is shocked.
In fact, incessantly is other people, Cyanwood Mountain numerous position management elder, is the vision twinkle, is flooding the color of being pleasantly surprised, because at this moment, them saw, Chu Feng displays, is not Cyanwood Mountain Earthen Taboo Firmament Shield.
But what cannot set otherwise is, Martial Technique that Chu Feng displays, has actually surpassed Earthen Taboo Firmament Shield, such fierce Earth-class Taboo Martial Skill, is really extremely rare.
Actually Chu Feng from where, has such talent unexpectedly, has such method?
This is at this moment, many management elder, in heart question.
„Chu Feng, you are really rash, dares to work as me and other surface, commits murder blatantly, can you know the crime?” That management elder that keeps off Chu Feng seventh to cut, wicked saying.
But at this moment, displays Chu Feng that seven cut continuously, although the body has not received too big backlash, because has consumed many strengths, the complexion is is very unattractive, sees management elder of penalty department, must create obstacles in oneself unexpectedly, the Chu Feng natural resentment read soars to the heavens, Cold voice said:
„Commits murder blatantly? Really big hat, he now not standing well there? Does my what crime have?”
„Also dares to quibble, if I do not get rid, Bai Yunxiao formerly must die without doubt.”
„Your two people have not signed the life and death shape, you actually do not select, this is intends to kill him, hasn't acknowledged guilt?” Elder of that penalty department said.