The recommended threshold level is equivalent to the evaporation of approximately two
gallons of solvent per day. Such a level is considered to be an incidental level of solvent usage
that could be expected even in facilities that use very low-solvent coatings, such as powder or
UV cure coatings (these coatings will be discussed in more detail in section IV.B.1 of this
document). Furthermore, based on the 2002 NEI data and the 2004 ozone nonattainment
designations, facilities emitting below the recommended threshold level collectively emit less
than 4 percent of the total reported VOC emissions from miscellaneous metal product and plastic
parts surface coating facilities in ozone nonattainment areas. For these reasons, we did not
extend our recommendations in this CTG to these low-emitting facilities. For purposes of
determining whether a facility meets our recommended applicability threshold, aggregate
emissions, before consideration of control, from all miscellaneous metal product and plastic part
coating operations (including related cleaning activities) at a given facility are included.