Qualitative Measurement
Using scores from the FSI-Interference Scale, participants were
identified as experiencing high (>–
2.5), moderate (1.15-2.4),
or low (1.14) levels of interference from fatigue (Fink et al.,
2010). Participants from each fatigue level were selected for
the qualitative interview. Participants for the qualitative arm
were interviewed within 3-5 weeks of enrollment. This time
frame was selected to prevent potential recall bias and reduce
the likelihood of participants experiencing cardiovascular
events. Purposive sampling was used to achieve heterogeneity
of the sample and to increase transferability of findings.
The principal investigator or research assistant completed all
interviews, which lasted approximately 30 minutes. The principal
investigator reviewed interviews completed by the research
assistant to ensure consistency between interviewers.
A semistructured interview guide was used to collect data.
Questions included, “Describe a typical day,” “What time of
day do you feel most fatigued?” and “Describe your fatigue.”
Additional questions and probes were used to enhance the quality
of the data. Field notes and an audit trail were maintained
throughout data collection to ensure confirmability. Data saturation
was reached after completing 13 interviews
Qualitative Measurement
Using scores from the FSI-Interference Scale, participants were
identified as experiencing high (>–
2.5), moderate (1.15-2.4),
or low (1.14) levels of interference from fatigue (Fink et al.,
2010). Participants from each fatigue level were selected for
the qualitative interview. Participants for the qualitative arm
were interviewed within 3-5 weeks of enrollment. This time
frame was selected to prevent potential recall bias and reduce
the likelihood of participants experiencing cardiovascular
events. Purposive sampling was used to achieve heterogeneity
of the sample and to increase transferability of findings.
The principal investigator or research assistant completed all
interviews, which lasted approximately 30 minutes. The principal
investigator reviewed interviews completed by the research
assistant to ensure consistency between interviewers.
A semistructured interview guide was used to collect data.
Questions included, “Describe a typical day,” “What time of
day do you feel most fatigued?” and “Describe your fatigue.”
Additional questions and probes were used to enhance the quality
of the data. Field notes and an audit trail were maintained
throughout data collection to ensure confirmability. Data saturation
was reached after completing 13 interviews
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