Current information seems to indicate that, due to the presence of fluoride compounds in a great many products, we are regularly exceeding dosage that some consider healthy. Toothpaste as well as processed foods and beverages all contribute to the overall dose, which was not an issue several decades ago. This fact contributes in two ways. First, it means that we now have more fluoride coming into our bodies than was the case a few decades ago... so much more so that even the old research would indicate that we are poisoning ourselves. Secondly, all these non-tap-water sources are making tap-water fluoridation redundant... as is being shown by the steadily decreasing difference in dental decay between populations having vs not having fluoride-treated municipal water. At the very least, the argument for usefulness of treated water is much less today than it was two generations ago, and the more likely reality is that it is no longer a realistic benefit at all, especially when considering the rather significant body of data on the risks inherent. - See more at: